Description of CRS - EVRF_AMST / NH
Countrypan-European CRS
Country identifierEU
CRS identifierEVRF_AMST / NH
CRS alias
European Vertical Reference Frame (EVRF2000)
EPSG code: 5730
CRS valid areaAustria, Belgium, Bosnia / Hercegov., Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland
CRS scopereplaced by EVRF2007_AMST / NH
CRS remarks
zero tidal system according the definition of the European 
Vertival Reference System (EVRS), but in the current 
realization EVRF2000 the geoid type is mixed 
Datum identifierAmsterdam
Datum alias
Normaal Amsterdams Peil (NAP) mean tide
Datum typevertical
Datum anchor point
UELN-No. 13 600, 000A2530
Datum realization epoch2000; sea level 1684 MHT
Datum valid area
Austria, Belgium, Bosnia / Hercegov., Bulgaria, Croatia, 
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, 
Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, The Netherlands, 
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, 
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland 
Datum scope
Datum remarks
geopotential number of UELN-No.13 600 = 7.0259 kgal·m
Coordinate system identifiernormal heights
Coordinate system typegravity related
Coordinate system dimension1
Coordinate system remarks
Coordinate system axis nameheight
Coordinate system axis directionup
Coordinate system axis unit identifiermetre