Description of CRS - NL_AMST2005 / UNCOR
Country identifierNL
CRS identifierNL_AMST2005 / UNCOR
CRS alias
CRS valid areaNetherlands
CRS scope
CRS remarks
tide free system
Datum identifierAmsterdam
Datum alias
Normaal Amsterdams Peil (NAP)
Datum typevertical
Datum anchor point
Datum realization epoch1996-1999; sea level 1684 MHT
Datum valid area
The Netherlands
Datum scope
Datum remarks
Coordinate system identifierpure levelled heights
Coordinate system typegravity related
Coordinate system dimension1
Coordinate system remarkswithout any corrections considering gravity
Coordinate system axis nameheight
Coordinate system axis directionup
Coordinate system axis unit identifiermetre