Description of CRS - NO_ETRS89 / UTM
Country identifierNO
CRS identifierNO_ETRS89 / UTM
CRS alias
CRS valid areaNorway
CRS scope
CRS remarks
introduce 1993, ETRS89 adapted in Norway in 1997 as new 
national CRS (in practice since 30-May-1997) 
Datum identifierETRS89
Datum alias
European Terrestrial Reference System 1989
Datum typegeodetic
Datum anchor point
Datum realization epoch
Datum valid area
in general: Europe,
in this realisation: Norway
Datum scope
Datum remarks
Prime meridian identifierGreenwich
Prime meridian greenwich longitude
Prime meridian remarks
Ellipsoid identifierGRS 80
Ellipsoid aliasNew International
Ellipsoid semi major axis6 378 137 m
Ellipsoid shapetrue
Ellipsoid inverse flattening298.257222101
Ellipsoid remarkssee Moritz, H. (1988): Geodetic Reference System 1980. Bulletin Geodesique, The Geodesists Handbook, 1988, Internat. Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
Coordinate system identifierUniversal Transverse Mercator
Coordinate system typeprojected
Coordinate system dimension2
Coordinate system remarksProjection: Transverse Mercator in zones, 6° width in general
Coordinate system axis namenorthing / N
Coordinate system axis directionNorth
Coordinate system axis unit identifiermetre
Coordinate system axis nameeasting / E
Coordinate system axis directionEast
Coordinate system axis unit identifiermetre
Operation identifierUniversal Transverse Mercator
Operation valid areain general: world-wide
Operation scope
Operation method nameUniversal Transverse Mercator Projection
Operation method name alias
Operation method formula
Transverse Mercator Mapping Equations, in Hooijberg, 
Practical Geodesy, 1997, pages 81-84, 111-114 
Operation method parameters number9
Operation method remarks
with extended zones 32, 33 and 35 due the scale factor 
0.9996 and the high latitudes for Norway, zone 34 was 
droped out, standard definition of UTM over 72° N are 
extended southwards to 56° N for zones 33 and 35 

see more details in:
Harsson, B. G.: National Report of Norway. 
Veröffentlichungen der Bayerischen Kommission für die 
Internationale Erdmessung, Heft 61, München 2000, page 283 
Operation parameter namelatitude of origin
Operation parameter value
Operation parameter remarks0°, the Equator
Operation parameter namelongitude of origin
Operation parameter value
central meridian (CM) of zone
for NO: 9° E, 15° E, 27° E in use
Operation parameter remarksin general: central meridians ...,3° W, 3° E, 9° E, 15° E, 21° E,...
Operation parameter namefalse northing
Operation parameter value
0 m for northern hemisphere
10 000 000 m for southern hemisphere
Operation parameter remarks
Operation parameter namefalse easting
Operation parameter value
500 000 m
Operation parameter remarks
Operation parameter namescale factor at central meridian
Operation parameter value
Operation parameter remarks
Operation parameter namewidth of zones
Operation parameter value
in general: 6°
for NO: zones more than 6°
Operation parameter remarkszones are extended due the scale factor 0.9996 and the high latitudes
Operation parameter namezone number n
Operation parameter value
in general: 1...60
for NO: zone 32, 33 and 35
Operation parameter remarkszone number 1 from 180° West increasing eastwards e.g. for Central Meridian 9° - zone number 32
Operation parameter namelatitude limits of system
Operation parameter value
84° North
80° South
Operation parameter remarks
Operation parameter namelimits of zones
Operation parameter value
in general: by meridians whose longitudes are multiples of 
6° West / 6° East of Greenwich 
for NO: zones extended
Operation parameter remarks