Description of CRS - NO_TREG / NOHAttribute | Entry |
Country | Norway |
Country identifier | NO |
CRS identifier | NO_TREG / NOH |
CRS alias | NN1954 |
CRS valid area | Norway |
CRS scope | |
CRS remarks | mean tidal system |
Datum identifier | Tregde |
Datum alias |
Datum type | vertical |
Datum anchor point | D40N0055 |
Datum realization epoch | vague 1916-1954 |
Datum valid area | Norway |
Datum scope |
Datum remarks | deformed 0-35cm due to post glacial rebound |
Coordinate system identifier | normal-orthometric heights |
Coordinate system type | gravity related |
Coordinate system dimension | 1 |
Coordinate system remarks | |
Coordinate system axis name | height |
Coordinate system axis direction | up |
Coordinate system axis unit identifier | metre |