Description of CRS - ETRS89-XYZ
Countrypan-European CRS
Country identifierEU
CRS identifierETRS89-XYZ
CRS alias
ETRS89 Cartesian CRS
ETRS89 / (X, Y, Z)
EPSG code: 4936
CRS valid areaEurope
CRS scope
CRS remarks
Datum identifierETRS89
Datum alias
European Terrestrial Reference System 1989
Datum typegeodetic
Datum anchor point
Datum realization epoch
Datum valid area
Datum scope
European datum consistent with ITRS at the epoch 1989.0 
and fixed to the stable part of the Eurasian continental 
plate for georeferencing of GIS and geokinematic tasks 
Datum remarks
Boucher, C., Altamimi, Z. (1992): The EUREF Terrestrial 
Reference System and its First Realizations. 
Veröffentlichungen der Bayerischen Kommission für die 
Internationale Erdmessung, Heft 52, München 1992, pages 
- or -
Prime meridian identifierGreenwich
Prime meridian greenwich longitude
Prime meridian remarks
Ellipsoid identifierGRS 80
Ellipsoid aliasNew International
Ellipsoid semi major axis6 378 137 m
Ellipsoid shapetrue
Ellipsoid inverse flattening298.257222101
Ellipsoid remarkssee Moritz, H. (1988): Geodetic Reference System 1980. Bulletin Geodesique, The Geodesists Handbook, 1988, Internat. Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
Coordinate system identifierCartesian Coordinate System
Coordinate system typecartesian
Coordinate system dimension3
Coordinate system remarks
Coordinate system axis nameX
Coordinate system axis directionfrom the centre of the ellipsoid to the intersection of the equator and Greenwich meridian
Coordinate system axis unit identifiermetre
Coordinate system axis nameY
Coordinate system axis directionfrom the centre of the ellipsoid to the intersection of the equator and 90° east meridian
Coordinate system axis unit identifiermetre
Coordinate system axis nameZ
Coordinate system axis directionfrom the centre of the ellipsoid to the intersection of geographic north pole
Coordinate system axis unit identifiermetre