Description of CRS - FI_KKJ / FI_TM
Country identifierFI
CRS identifierFI_KKJ / FI_TM
CRS alias
CRS valid areaFinland
CRS scopeCoordinates of points of the Finnish Grid coordinate system
CRS remarks
The FI_KKJ coordinates are transformed from older national 
grid system, namely vvj, using ED50-vvj transformation 
computed after the common adjustment in 1966. FI_KKJ 
coordinates are not in ED50 system. 
Datum identifierKKJ
Datum alias
Datum typegeodetic
Datum anchor point
none, see Datum remarks
Datum realization epoch1966
Datum valid area
Datum scope
Finish datum for various kinds of mapping and geodetic 
Datum remarks
For the older grid system vvj SF31 was the anchor point: 
Finland, Helsinki, SF31 with  
Lat=60°11'04.0459" N / Lon=24°57'00.8073" E
ED50 coordinates of SF90: Finland, Simsiö, SF90 with 
B=62°57'24,2838" / L=22°57'11,7448"
were used as fixed ones in common adjustment made in 1966. 
Then the adjusted ED50-coordinates were transformed so that 
they would be closer the values they had in vvj-system. 
Prime meridian identifierGreenwich
Prime meridian greenwich longitude
Prime meridian remarks
Ellipsoid identifierHayford 1909
Ellipsoid aliasInternational 1924
Ellipsoid semi major axis6 378 388 m
Ellipsoid shapetrue
Ellipsoid inverse flattening297
Ellipsoid remarks
Coordinate system identifierFI_TM
Coordinate system typeprojected
Coordinate system dimension2
Coordinate system remarks
Coordinate system axis nameX / northing
Coordinate system axis directionNorth
Coordinate system axis unit identifiermetre
Coordinate system axis nameY / easting
Coordinate system axis directionEast
Coordinate system axis unit identifiermetre
Operation identifierFI_TM
Operation valid areaFinland
Operation scope
Operation method nameTransverse Mercator Projection
Operation method name alias
Gauß Krüger Projection
Operation method formula
Transverse Mercator Mapping Equations, in Hooijberg, 
Practical Geodesy, 1997, pages 81-84 
Operation method parameters number5
Operation method remarks
special Gauss-Krüger Projection with Central Meridian 
27° E extended over the whole country 
Operation parameter namelatitude of origin
Operation parameter value
Operation parameter remarks0°, the Equator
Operation parameter namelongitude of origin
Operation parameter value
27° E
Operation parameter remarkscentral meridian for the whole territory of Finland
Operation parameter namefalse northing
Operation parameter value
0 m
Operation parameter remarks
Operation parameter namefalse easting
Operation parameter value
3 500 000 m
Operation parameter remarksbecause the zone number 3 is added to the front of the actual coordinate value, the false easting is 3 500 000 m.
Operation parameter namescale factor at central meridian
Operation parameter value
Operation parameter remarks