Description of CRS - SE_ETRS89 / SE_TM_dd_mm
Country identifierSE
CRS identifierSE_ETRS89 / SE_TM_dd_mm
CRS alias
SWEREF 99 dd mm
CRS valid areaSweden
CRS scopeCRS for conformal Swedish mapping at scales larger than 1 : 10 000
CRS remarks
dd mm is the length of central meridian of the 
Gauß-Krüger zones in degrees and minutes 
Datum identifierETRS89
Datum alias
European Terrestrial Reference System 1989
Datum typegeodetic
Datum anchor point
Datum realization epoch1999.5
Datum valid area
in general: Europe,
in this realisation: Sweden
Datum scope
Datum remarks
Prime meridian identifierGreenwich
Prime meridian greenwich longitude
Prime meridian remarks
Ellipsoid identifierGRS 80
Ellipsoid aliasNew International
Ellipsoid semi major axis6 378 137 m
Ellipsoid shapetrue
Ellipsoid inverse flattening298.257222101
Ellipsoid remarkssee Moritz, H. (1988): Geodetic Reference System 1980. Bulletin Geodesique, The Geodesists Handbook, 1988, Internat. Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
Coordinate system identifierSE_TM_dd_mm
Coordinate system typeprojected
Coordinate system dimension2
Coordinate system remarksTransverse Mercator Projection
Coordinate system axis nameN
Coordinate system axis directionNorth
Coordinate system axis unit identifiermetre
Coordinate system axis nameE
Coordinate system axis directionEast
Coordinate system axis unit identifiermetre
Operation identifierSE_TM_dd_mm
Operation valid areaSweden
Operation scope
Operation method nameTransverse Mercator Projection
Operation method name alias
Gauß Krüger Projection
Operation method formula
Konforme Abbildungen des Erdellipsoids in der Ebene, L. 
Krüger, Teubner Verlag in Leipzig, 1912 
Operation method parameters number7
Operation method remarks
Twelve different central meridians are allowed, five in 
the southern part and seven in the nortern part of Sweden. 
No strict division between southern and northern parts. The 
municipalities are free to choose individual Central 
Operation parameter namelatitude of origin
Operation parameter value
Operation parameter remarks0°, the Equator
Operation parameter namecentral meridian (CM) of each zone
Operation parameter value
for northern part of Sweden
14°15' 15°45' 17°15' 18°45' 20°15' 21°45' 23°15'  
for southern part of Sweden 
12°00' 13°30' 15°00' 16°30' 18°00'
Operation parameter remarks
Operation parameter namefalse northing
Operation parameter value
0 m
Operation parameter remarks
Operation parameter namefalse easting
Operation parameter value
150 000 m
Operation parameter remarks
Operation parameter namescale factor at central meridian
Operation parameter value
Operation parameter remarks
Operation parameter namezone width
Operation parameter value
Operation parameter remarks
Operation parameter namezone name (corresponds central meridian)
Operation parameter value
for northern part of Sweden
14 15, 15 45, 17 15, 18 45, 
20 15, 21 45, 23 15   
for southern part of Sweden: 
12 00, 13 30, 15 00, 16 30, 18 00
Operation parameter remarksnotation of zone name is "dd mm"