Description of CRS - SK_S-JTSK / KROVAKAttribute | Entry |
Country | Slovak Republic |
Country identifier | SK |
CRS identifier | SK_S-JTSK / KROVAK |
CRS alias |
CRS valid area | Czech Republic / Slovak Republic |
CRS scope | Coordinates of Uniform Trigonometrical Cadastral Network |
CRS remarks |
Datum identifier | S-JTSK |
Datum alias | System jednotne trigonometricke site katastralni (System
of Uniform Trigonometrical Cadastral Network) |
Datum type | geodetic |
Datum anchor point | Austria, Hermannskogel, Habsburgwarte,
Lat = 48°16'15.2900" N,
Lon = 16°17'41.0600" E |
Datum realization epoch | 1920-1957 |
Datum valid area | Czech Republic / Slovak Republic |
Datum scope |
Datum remarks |
Prime meridian identifier | Greenwich |
Prime meridian greenwich longitude | 0° |
Prime meridian remarks | |
Ellipsoid identifier | Bessel 1841 |
Ellipsoid alias | Bessel |
Ellipsoid semi major axis | 6 377 397.155 m |
Ellipsoid shape | true |
Ellipsoid inverse flattening | 299.15281285 |
Ellipsoid remarks | |
Coordinate system identifier | KROVAK |
Coordinate system type | projected |
Coordinate system dimension | 2 |
Coordinate system remarks | |
Coordinate system axis name | X / southing |
Coordinate system axis direction | South |
Coordinate system axis unit identifier | metre |
Coordinate system axis name | Y / westing |
Coordinate system axis direction | West |
Coordinate system axis unit identifier | metre |
Operation identifier | KROVAK |
Operation valid area | Czech Republic / Slovak Republic |
Operation scope | the reference area is represented by the cone extended to
the plane |
Operation method name | Oblique Conformal Conic Projection |
Operation method name alias | Krovak's Projection |
Operation method formula | Kostelecky, Jan; Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography
and Cartography, CZ-25066 Zidby 98: Description of a
procedure of transformation between geodetical coordinates
and planar (cartographic) coordinates in KROVAK projection
- or -
Projection equations for the calculation of coordinates X,
Y and meridian convergence C from given geographic
coordinates B and L, In: Danis, M.; Valko, J.: Matematicka
kartografia. Edicne stredisko STU. Bratislava 1998, p.
134- 149. |
Operation method parameters number | 18 |
Operation method remarks | Coordinate system is rectangular. Its beginning is located
at the vertex of the cone. The axis X is the image of
longitude 42°30' eastwards of Ferro (24°50' E wrt
Greenwich) with the positive branch oriented to the south.
The axis Y is perpendicular to it and its positive branch
is oriented to the west. The vertex of the cone is at the
meridian 42°30' eastwards of Ferro (24°50' E wrt
Greenwich) and northwards of the parallel Lat=48°15' N by
1298039.0046 m and its axis goes through the centre of the
Earth. |
Operation parameter name | prime geographic latitude on Bessel ellipsoid |
Operation parameter value | 49°30' N |
Operation parameter remarks | for this latitude were derived invariables for conform
projection of Bessel ellipsoid to Gauss sphere |
Operation parameter name | prime geographic latitude on the Gauss sphere |
Operation parameter value | 49°27´35.846255" N |
Operation parameter remarks | value prime geographic latitude on the Gauss sphere
corresponds to prime geographic latitude on Bessel
ellipsoid |
Operation parameter name | prime meridian on Bessel ellipsoid / longitude of
intersection of central cartographic parallel and
fundamental meridian on the Bessel ellipsoid |
Operation parameter value | 42°30' E wrt Ferro |
Operation parameter remarks | on this meridian is located the beginning of the
coordinate system JTSK |
Operation parameter name | prime meridian on the Gauss sphere / longitude of
cartographic pole on the Gaussian sphere |
Operation parameter value | 42°31´31.41725" E wrt Ferro |
Operation parameter remarks | prime meridian on the Gauss sphere corresponds to prime
meridian on Bessel ellipsoid |
Operation parameter name | scale factor of central cartographic parallel |
Operation parameter value | 0.9999 |
Operation parameter remarks | |
Operation parameter name | false southing |
Operation parameter value | 0 m |
Operation parameter remarks | |
Operation parameter name | false westing |
Operation parameter value | 0 m |
Operation parameter remarks | |
Operation parameter name | multiple invariable |
Operation parameter value | 1.000597498372 |
Operation parameter remarks | it serves for the calculation of spherical geographic
coordinates on the Gauss sphere |
Operation parameter name | integration invariable |
Operation parameter value | 1.0034191640 |
Operation parameter remarks | it serves for the calculation of spherical geographic
coordinates on the Gauss sphere |
Operation parameter name | radius of the Gauss sphere |
Operation parameter value | 6380703.61054 m |
Operation parameter remarks | Bessel ellipsoid is projected on Gauss sphere |
Operation parameter name | radius of reduced Gauss sphere |
Operation parameter value | 0.9999 * radius of the Gauss sphere |
Operation parameter remarks | the reduced Gauss sphere is conformly projected on the
conic area |
Operation parameter name | spherical geographic latitude / latidude of cartographic
pole on the Gaussian sphere |
Operation parameter value | 59°42'42.69689" N |
Operation parameter remarks | |
Operation parameter name | spherical geographic longitude of cartographic pole |
Operation parameter value | spherical geographic longitude of cartographic pole is
identical with prime meridian on the Gauss sphere |
Operation parameter remarks | |
Operation parameter name | polar distance of the cartographic pole on the Gauss sphere |
Operation parameter value | complement from spherical geographic latitude to 90° N |
Operation parameter remarks | |
Operation parameter name | prime cartographic parallel / latitude of central
cartographic parallel on the Gaussian sphere |
Operation parameter value | 78°30' N |
Operation parameter remarks | in this parallel the cone flanks the reduced the the Gauss
sphere |
Operation parameter name | radius of the image of prime cartographic parallel |
Operation parameter value | 1298039.00463 m |
Operation parameter remarks | |
Operation parameter name | latitude of intersection of central cartographic parallel
and fundamental meridian on the Bessel ellipsoid |
Operation parameter value | 48°15' N |
Operation parameter remarks | |
Operation parameter name | width of zone between cartographic parallels |
Operation parameter value | 3°30' |
Operation parameter remarks | |