Description of Transformation - NI_IRELAND65 to ETRS89
Operation identifierNI_IRELAND65 to ETRS89
Operation identifier alias
CountryNorthern Ireland
Country identifierNI
Operation valid area
Northern Ireland / Ireland
Operation scope
Source coordinate reference system identifierNI_IRELAND65 (X, Y, Z)
Target coordinate reference system identifierETRS89 (X, Y, Z)
Operation version
Operation method name7 parameter Helmert transformation
Operation method name aliasPosition Vector Transformation
Operation method formula
Making maps compatible with GPS transformations between 
the Irish Grid and the GPS Co-ordinate Reference Frame 
WGS84 / ETRF89; Ordnance  
Survey Ireland / Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland, 1999

- or -

7 Parameter Helmert Transformation regarding ISO
 |X|   |X|    |Tx|   |  0  -Rz   Ry |   |X|       |X|
 |Y| = |Y| +  |Ty| + | Rz   0   -Rx | * |Y| + D * |Y|
 |Z|   |Z|    |Tz|   |-Ry   Rx    0 |   |Z|       |Z|
    T     S                                S         S

T          ... Target Datum
S          ... Source Datum 
Tx, Ty, Tz ... geocentric X/Y/Z translations  [m]
Rx Ry, Rz  ... rotations around X/Y/Z axis    [radian]
D          ... correction of scale            [ppm]

REMARKS: signs of rotations in this list regarding formula 
Operation method parameters number7
Operation method remarks
designed only for use of horizontal position
Operation parameter namegeocentric X translation
Operation parameter value+482.5 m
Operation parameter remarks
Operation parameter namegeocentric Y translation
Operation parameter value-130.6 m
Operation parameter remarks
Operation parameter namegeocentric Z translation
Operation parameter value+564.6 m
Operation parameter remarks
Operation parameter name
Operation parameter value
Operation parameter remarks
Operation parameter namerotation Y-axis
Operation parameter value-0.214"
Operation parameter remarksto be in agreement with formulas the rotation parameter has to be converted to Radians
Operation parameter namerotation Z-axis
Operation parameter value-0.631"
Operation parameter remarksto be in agreement with formulas the rotation parameter has to be converted to Radians
Operation parameter namecorrection of scale
Operation parameter value+8.15 ppm
Operation parameter remarks