Description of CRS - UA_UCS-2000 / GK_6Attribute | Entry |
Country | Ukraine |
Country identifier | UA |
CRS identifier | UA_UCS-2000 / GK_6 |
CRS alias | UCS Transverse Mercator CRS
UCS-2000 / GK_6
EPSG codes: 5562…5569 for zone 4…7 |
CRS valid area | Ukraine |
CRS scope | CRS for conformal Ukrainian mapping at scales smaller than
1 : 10 000 |
CRS remarks | Gauß-Krüger-Projektion, 6 deegree zones |
Datum identifier | Ukraine2000 |
Datum alias |
Datum type | geodetic |
Datum anchor point | Orientation and scale constrained to be same as ITRF2000
at epoch 2005.0. Position is minimised deviation between
reference ellipsoid and quasigeoid in territory of Ukraine. |
Datum realization epoch | 2005 |
Datum valid area | Ukraine |
Datum scope | Geodesy |
Datum remarks |
Prime meridian identifier | Greenwich |
Prime meridian greenwich longitude | 0° |
Prime meridian remarks | |
Ellipsoid identifier | Krassovsky 1940 |
Ellipsoid alias | |
Ellipsoid semi major axis | 6 378 245 m |
Ellipsoid shape | true |
Ellipsoid inverse flattening | 298.3 |
Ellipsoid remarks | |
Coordinate system identifier | GK_6 |
Coordinate system type | projected |
Coordinate system dimension | 2 |
Coordinate system remarks | |
Coordinate system axis name | N |
Coordinate system axis direction | North |
Coordinate system axis unit identifier | metre |
Coordinate system axis name | E |
Coordinate system axis direction | East |
Coordinate system axis unit identifier | metre |
Operation identifier | GK_6 |
Operation valid area | Ukraine |
Operation scope | |
Operation method name | Transverse Mercator Projection |
Operation method name alias | Gauß Krüger Projection |
Operation method formula | Transverse Mercator Mapping Equations, in Hooijberg,
Practical Geodesy, 1997, pages 81-84 |
Operation method parameters number | 7 |
Operation method remarks | Transverse Mercator Projektion in zones of 6° |
Operation parameter name | latitude of origin |
Operation parameter value | 0° |
Operation parameter remarks | 0°, the Equator |
Operation parameter name | longitude of origin |
Operation parameter value | in general: central meridian (CM) of each zone
for UA: 21° E, 27° E, 33° E, 39° E in use |
Operation parameter remarks | central meridians 3° E, 9° E, 15° E, 21° E,.... |
Operation parameter name | false northing |
Operation parameter value | 0 m |
Operation parameter remarks | |
Operation parameter name | false easting |
Operation parameter value | in general: 500 000 + (n * 10**6) m, with number
e.g. 4 500 000 for zone number 4 (CM = 21° E) |
Operation parameter remarks | |
Operation parameter name | scale factor at central meridian |
Operation parameter value | 1.0000 |
Operation parameter remarks | |
Operation parameter name | width of zones |
Operation parameter value | 6° |
Operation parameter remarks | |
Operation parameter name | zone number n |
Operation parameter value | in general:
n = (longitude value of central meridian + 3) / 6
for UA: zones 4, 5, 6, 7 |
Operation parameter remarks | |